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302.3 Superintendent Salary and Other Compensation

The board has the responsibility to determine the salary of the superintendent.  It shall be the responsibility of the board to set the salary and benefits of the superintendent at a level that will include consideration of, but not be limited to, the economic condition of the school district and the training, experience, skill, and demonstrated competence of the superintendent.  The salary shall be set prior to July 1st of the succeeding school year.

In addition to the salary and benefits, the superintendent's actual and necessary expenses shall be paid by the school district when the superintendent is performing work-related duties.  It shall be within the discretion of the board to pay dues to professional organizations for the superintendent, unless specified in the superintendent’s individual contract.

The board may approve the payment of dues and other benefits or compensation over and above the superintendent's contract.  

Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8, .20.    

Cross Reference:    302    Superintendent



Approved Aug. 8, 2005

Reviewed   January 13, 2025

Revised  February 10, 2025