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602.3 Curriculum Evaluation

Regular evaluation of the total curriculum is necessary to ensure that the written and delivered curriculum is having the desired effect for students.

Curriculum evaluation refers to an ongoing process of collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, and interpreting information to aid in understanding what students know and can do.  It refers to the full range of information gathered in the School District to evaluate student learning and program effectiveness in each content area.

Curriculum evaluation must be based on information gathered from a comprehensive assessment system that is designed for accountability and committed to the concept that all students will achieve at high levels, is standards-based, and informs decisions which impact significant and sustainable improvements in teaching and student learning.

The curriculum director shall be responsible for curriculum evaluation and for determining the most effective way of ensuring that assessment activities are integrated into instructional practices as part of school improvement with a particular focus on improving teaching and learning.  A curriculum framework shall describe the procedures that will be followed to establish an evaluation process that can efficiently and effectively evaluate the total curriculum.  This framework will, at a minimum, describe the procedures for the following curriculum evaluation activities:


  • Identify specific purposes for assessing student learning;
  • Develop a comprehensive assessment plan;
  • Select/develop assessment tools and scoring procedures that are valid and reliable;
  • Identify procedures for collecting assessment data;
  • Identify procedures for analyzing and interpreting information and drawing conclusions based on the data (including analysis of the performance of various sub-groups of students);
  • Identify procedures for establishing at least three levels of performance (specific to the content standard and the assessment tool when appropriate) to assist in determining whether  students have achieved at a satisfactory level (at least two levels describe performance that is proficient or advanced and at least one level describes students who are not yet performing at the proficient level); 
  • Identify procedures for using assessment information to determine long-range and annual improvement goals;
  • Identify procedures for using assessment information in making decisions focused on improving teaching and learning (data based decision making);
  • Verify that assessment tools are fair for all students and are consistent with all state and federal mandates;
  • Verify that assessment tools measure the curriculum that is written and delivered;
  • Identify procedures for deciding when multiple assessment measures are necessary for making good decisions and drawing appropriate conclusions about student learning;
  • Identify roles and responsibilities of key groups;
  • Involve staff, parents, students, and community members in curriculum evaluation;
  • Ensure participation of eligible students receiving special education services in district-wide assessments.
  • Ensure curriculum complies with applicable laws. 

Legal Reference: 20 U.S.C. § 1232h 

                           34 C.F.R. pt. 98 

                           Iowa Code §§ 216.9, 256.7, 279.8, .74;280.3.

                          281 I.A.C.  12.8.


Cross Reference:    101   Educational Philosophy of the School District

            103   Educational and Operational Planning  

            505   Student Scholastic Achievement

            602   Curriculum Development

            603   Instructional Curriculum

Approved Jan. 14, 2004  

Reviewed  January 8, 2024

Revised    March 9, 2009