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505.2R1 Request For Test-Out



I,  _________________________________, request to be considered to test-out of


__________________________________.  I understand that the following criteria must be met.


Eligibility Criteria:

1. A grade point average of 3.5 in the subject area, from previous years of school AND/OR

2. ITBS or ITED scores above 90% NPR in the subject area for 2 consecutive years.

3. A signed request must be completed and returned to a high school counselor by April 15.

4. Completion of the test-out assessment with the score of 85% or above.

5. Teacher recommendation in subject area.

Eligible courses for test-out option are as follows:

• Physical Science

Additional information:

• Test needs to be taken before May 15.

• Counselors will make schedule adjustments in May after test results are available.

• Test-out participants do not receive high school credit, nor do points get added to GPA.

• Students who successfully test-out of a course will be considered competent in that course subject level.  Graduate credit will not be given, but subject graduation requirements will be met for that subject area.


Student signature:  _________________________________  Date:  _______________


Parent signature:  __________________________________  Date:  _______________


Approval Signature of Admin. Or Counselor:  _________________________________


Date:  _____________________