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405.4 Licensed Employee Continuing Contracts

Contracts entered into with licensed employees, other than an administrator, will continue from year to year except as modified or terminated as provided by law.  The board may issue temporary and nonrenewable contracts in accordance with law.

Licensed employees whose contracts will be recommended for termination by the board will receive due process as required by law.  The superintendent will make a recommendation to the board for the termination of the licensed employee's contract.

Licensed employees who wish to resign, to be released from a contract, or to retire must comply with applicable law and board policies.


Legal Reference: Ar-We-Va Consolidated School District v. Long and Henkenius, 292 N.W. 2d 402 (1980) Bruton v. Ames Community School District

291 N.W. 2d 351 (Iowa 1980), Hartman v. Merged Area Community College VI. 270 N.W. 2d 822 (Iowa 1978). Keith v. Wilton Community School District 262 N.W. 2d 249 (Iowa 1978). Iowa Code 20; 272; 279.12-.19B; .27; 294.1.

Cross Reference: 405.3   Licensed Employee Individual Contracts

405.9   Licensed Employee Probationary Status

407      Licensed Employee Termination of Employment

Approved  July 11, 2005     

Reviewed  February 10, 2020    

Revised July 10, 2017