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210.5 Meeting Notice

Public notice shall be given for meetings and work sessions held by the board.  Public notice shall indicate the time, place, date and tentative agenda of board meetings.  The public notice shall be posted on the bulletin board in the central administration office at least 1 day before it is scheduled, but, at the minimum, twenty-four hours notice needs to be given.

A copy of the public notice will be provided to those who have filed a request for notice with the secretary.  These requests for notice must be in writing. A copy of the public notice will also be accessible to employees and students.

In the case of special meetings, public notice shall be given in the same manner as for a regular meeting unless it is an emergency meeting.  In that case, public notice of the meeting shall be given as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation.  The media and others who have requested notice shall be notified of the emergency meeting.  Attendance at a special meeting or emergency meeting by the media or board members shall constitute a waiver of notice.

It shall be the responsibility of the board secretary to give public notice of board meetings and work sessions.


Legal Reference: Dobrovolny v. Reinhardt, 173 N. W. 2d 837 (Iowa 1970).

Iowa Code 21.2-.4; 279.1, .2 (1995).  1952 Op. Att’y. Gen. 133.


Cross Reference: 210 Board of Directors’ Meetings

210.8  Board of Directors’ Meeting Agenda


Approved  Dec. 10, 2001    

Reviewed March 12, 2018       

Revised April 14, 2008