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605.6E2 Internet Appropriate Use Viloation Notice

Student Name: _______________________________________

Teacher: ____________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________

Students who access restricted internet or web addresses on the internet shall be subject to the appropriate action described in the Chariton Community School District discipline policy or student handbook and/or to the following consequences:

_____ First Offense:


The above student has violated the Student Internet Use Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material.  He/she may lose internet access for up to five school days at the discretion of the supervising employee.


_____ Second Offense:


The above student has violated the Student Internet Use Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material for a second time.  As a consequence of this violation, he/she has lost internet access for a period of twenty school days.

_____ Third Offense:

The above student has violated the Student Internet Use Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material for the third time.  As a consequence of this violation, he/she has lost internet access for a period of ninety school days or the balance of the school year with unserved days to be completed the succeeding school year.

Approved Jan. 14, 2009

Reviewed November 20, 2023

Revised March 9, 2009