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213.1 General Complaints by Citizens

The board recognizes that concerns regarding the operation of the school district will arise.  The board further believes that constructive criticism can assist in improving the quality of the educational program and in meeting individual student needs more effectively.  The board also places trust in its employees and desires to support their actions in a manner which frees them from unnecessary or unwarranted criticism and complaints.

Procedures for dealing with complaints concerning programs or practices should be governed by the following principles:

• where action/investigation is desired by the complainant, or where it seems appropriate, the matter should be handled as near the source as possible;

• complaints should both be investigated and, if possible, resolved expeditiously;

• complaints should be dealt with courteously and in a constructive manner; and,

• individuals directly affected by the complaint should have an opportunity to respond.

Specific procedures for handling complaints may be established in policies.  The board will deal with complaints concerning specific schools, programs or procedures only after the usual channels have been exhausted.  Complaints regarding employees or complaints by students will follow the more specific policies on those issues.

When a complaint requiring attention is received by the board or a board member it will be referred to the superintendent.  After all of the channels have been exhausted, the complainant may appeal to the board by requesting a place on the board agenda or during the visitor portion of the board meeting. If the complainant appeals to the board, the appeal shall be in writing, signed and explain the process followed by the complainant prior to the appeal to the board.

Approved  Dec. 10, 2001    

Reviewed March 12, 2018            

Revised April 14, 2008