410.1 Substitute Teachers

The board recognizes the need for substitute teachers.  Substitute teachers shall be licensed to teach in Iowa.

It shall be the responsibility of the building principal to maintain a list of substitute teachers who may be called upon to replace regular contract licensed employees.  Individuals whose names do not appear on this list will not be employed as a substitute without specific approval of the superintendent.  It shall be the responsibility of the building principal to fill absences with substitute teachers immediately.

Substitue teachers will be paid at a daily rate of $120.00 per day.  Substitute licensed employees are expected to perform the same duties as the licensed employees.


Legal Reference:         Iowa Association of School Boards v. PERB, 400 N.W.2d 571 (Iowa 1987). Iowa Code §§ 20.1, .4(5), .9 (2005). 281 I.A.C. 12.4.


Cross Reference:         405.1   Licensed   405.2   Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection

Approved:  July 11, 2015

Reviewed: March 9, 2020

Revised: March 9, 2020