A non-student sex offender who has been convicted of a sex offense against a minor and who must register with the Sex Offender Registry shall not be present on school property (or in school vehicles) without the written permission of the school administrator in charge of the building or site where the offender wishes to gain access except for the time reasonably necessary to transport the offender’s own child or ward to or from school or for the time reasonably necessary to vote if the polling place is on school property. The law also bars sex offenders from loitering within 300 feet of school property or from residing within 2000 feet of school property subject to certain exceptions or from being employed by the District, volunteering at school or acting as a contractor or contractor’s employee at school. Sex offenders wishing to access school property must file a written request with the building Principal or his/her designee a minimum of 48 hours prior to the date of requested access. Requestors are encouraged to give as much advanced notification as possible, i.e. initiate a request when the need to request access is first known. The Principal or designee may waive the 48 hour requirement in extraordinary circumstances. Requestors will use the “Registrant Request Form” included in the regulations supporting this policy. The District shall determine the educational placement prior to enrollment of student sex offenders who must register on the sex offender registry per Iowa Code section 282.9. This policy shall be construed to comply with statutory law. If there is any conflict between this policy and statutory law, statutory law shall prevail.
Approved October 12, 2009 Reviewed February 8, 2021 Revised
Sex Offender Registrant Request Form Registrants whose request is granted shall keep a copy of this completed form with them each time they come onto school grounds. This form shall be used to document the Principal’s response to an individual’s, on the Sex Offender Registry (SOR) (hereinafter “registrant”) request to come onto school grounds. [Requests will be considered only from registrants who are the parent/legal guardian of a student or the person designated by the parent/legal guardian to have access to the student.] To be Completed by Registrant Full Name _________________________________ Phone Number__________________________ (first, middle, last) Address _____________________________________ Email Address_________________________ Requested Visit Date _______________ Building or location to be visited¬__________________ _ Reason for request (check at least one): Confer with school staff concerning my child’s academic, disciplinary or placement, including matters required by federal or state law. Attend a school activity [in which my child is participating.] (activity name) Attend a nonschool sponsored activity which is (activity name) _________________________ Registrant recognizes that permission to be on school grounds is at the discretion of the principal, or designee. Permission is granted for the sole reason, time, location, etc. listed below. Registrant recognizes that he/she is not permitted to be in any location, including restrooms, other than that listed below. Signature ________________________________ Date ____________ PRINCIPAL’S RESPONSE Registrant is required to provide additional information as follows: Registrant must follow check-in and check-out requirements as follows: Registrant must be directly supervised while on school grounds by the following individual(s) designated by the Principal: Registrant is restricted to the following designated location(s) on schools grounds: Registrant may only be on school grounds during the following time period: Request by registrant to be on school grounds is denied. Principal’s Signature ___________________________________Date ______________________ The completed form shall be kept on file at school. A copy of this completed form shall be provided to the registrant.
Approved October 12, 2009 Reviewed February 8, 2021 Revised