409.1 Employee Vacation - Holidays - Personal Leave

The board shall determine the amount of vacation, holidays, and personal leave that will be allowed on an annual basis for licensed employees.

Vacation for full-time regular employees who work 260 days a year, unless the employee's individual contract indicates otherwise, shall be 10 days, after one full year of employment with the district.

The vacation may be taken during the school year provided the vacation will not disrupt the operation of the school district.  The employee must submit a vacation request to the superintendent, who shall determine whether the request will disrupt the operation of the school district.  In the case of the superintendent's request, the board shall make the determination.

Full-time regular employees who work 180 days a year will be allowed a maximum of 2 days of personal leave to accomplish personal business that cannot be conducted outside the work day.  It shall be within the discretion of the superintendent to grant personal leave.  Application for personal leave must be made at least 3 school days prior to the requested leave date.

Regular full-time employees who work 260 days a year will be allowed holidays as specified in the Master Bargaining Agreement.

Employees who work during the school academic year, whether full-time or part-time, shall have time off in concert with the school calendar.  In addition, such employees may have 2 personal leave days to accomplish personal business that cannot be conducted outside the work day.  It shall be within the discretion of the superintendent to grant personal leave.

The requirements stated in the Master Contract between employees in that certified collective bargaining unit and the board regarding the vacations, holidays and personal leave of such employees shall be followed.

Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 1C.1-.2; 4.1(34); 20.9 (2005).

Cross Reference: 414.1 Classified Employee Vacations - Holidays - Personal Leave

601.1 School Calendar

Approved  July 11, 2005     

Reviewed  March 9, 2020 

Revised November 9, 2009