The board shall provide a student guidance and counseling program. The guidance counselor shall be certified with the Iowa Department of Education and hold the qualifications required by the board. The program will assist students with their personal, educational, and career development. The program shall be coordinated with the education program and involve licensed employees. Legal Reference: Iowa Code 622.10 (2003). 281 I.A.C. 12.3 (6); .5 (21). Cross Reference: 506 Student Records 603 Instructional Curriculum 604.4 Program for At-Risk Students Approved Jan. 14, 2004 Reviewed May 13, 2019 Revised
Health services shall be coordinated with the health education and physical education curriculum. The program shall be designed to help each student protect, improve and maintain physical, emotional and social well-being. Areas to be considered include, but are not limited to: • Environmental health and safety; • Emergency health procedures and responsibilities; • Health promotion; • Communicable disease prevention and control; • Staffing for the school health program; • Administering of prescription medication; • Acute or chronic health problems; • Health assessment and screening; • Record keeping; and • Program evaluation. Nurses and other medical employees employed by or requested to conduct services for the board shall hold and maintain a current Iowa license and meet the requirements of the Iowa Department of Education if required by the school district. In addition to the health services provided in the curriculum, the school district will provide the following district-wide health services: • vision screening tests; • audiometer screening tests; • spinal screening; and • Furnish evidence of immunization for students to the State Board of Health within the first thirty days of the school year. The services listed above will be provided in conjunction with state public health officials and local hospitals. Legal Reference: Iowa Code 139.9; 143 (2003). 641 I.A.C. 7. 281 I.A.C. 12.3. Cross Reference: 501.4 Entrance - Admissions 507 Student Health and Well-Being Approved Jan. 14, 2004 Reviewed May 13, 2019 Revised May 13, 2019